Friday, May 03, 2024


Blaze: In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Blaze_cancerMy wonderful friend Terry Cerisoles (President of American Fox Terrier Rescue) tells me that many of you continue to wonder and ask about Blaze, our Miracle Girl, and that I must do this now – and I know it’s time.

My heart breaks to have to tell you that, to my great sorrow, we lost our Blazie on April 10th. Please forgive me for not announcing this earlier. So many of you followed her story, donated money for her care and sent gifts, love and prayers. The truth is that Blazie’s passing was just the final stroke on a horrendous three months for me last winter. I simply could not talk about any of it or respond to any messages until now.

Read more: Blaze: In Memoriam


UPDATE: The Latest News From Blaze


My heart breaks to have to tell you that our beloved Miracle Girl may have finally run out of miracles.

There have been a couple of months of ongoing urinary tract infections which antibiotics have not been able to cure, declining appetite and general worsening cognitive issues. Last week we decided it was time to see if there was something else going on that was the basis for her symptoms. Her wonderful veterinarian, Dr. Melissa Brandley, suggested more tests to find out and started with a chest x-ray. This showed a nodule in Blazie’s left lung that was not there last May during her routine check-up. Melissa thought we should go forward with a diagnostic ultra sound to see if the chest nodule was the primary site or metastasis from another site.


Read more: UPDATE: The Latest News From Blaze





Hello everyone! It’s ME, Blaze!!

Mom says with so many things going on out in the big world and in our own small one, as well, she didn't want me to forget to help her share a little bit of bright shining happiness for everyone’s holiday cheer.




UPDATE APRIL 23, 2012 -  BLAZE WINS!!!! (as always, click on any image for a larger view):

BLAZE_WINSWe won today! We won for darling Blazie!

Finally, after 8 months and endless waiting, we have had our day in court for the Miracle Girl. Blaze’s abusers are going to jail and will have to pay restitution for her medical bills. I am thrilled and exhausted and starving but I know so many of you are waiting to hear the outcome that I wanted to make sure I at least did a short post with the news for everyone.

It was a very long day. Although our appearance time was set for 1:30, they didn’t take our case until nearly 4 o’clock. Our terrific Prosecutor, Jessica Rock, got up and presented the case. Then Terry talked about American Fox Terrier Rescue and the options for rescue, and the dedication it takes to save dogs like Blaze. Her speech was truly wonderful and at some point I think it should be to put on the site for everyone to read.

Then I got up and talked about Blaze’s rescue and her long ordeal and the joy she has brought to the lives of everyone who has come in contact with her during her rescue process. I think I did okay, because when I walked back toward Terry she had tears in her eyes and Jessica gave me a thumbs up.

Then Blaze’s former owners and their attorney spoke. To say they had no excuse is an understatement. What they did was go endlessly about their financial problems, and the mother’s health issues. The woman stood up and described her acid reflux disease for 20 minutes and did not mention Blaze’s name a single time. The son got up and said he was working long shifts at Starbucks and that their cars were broken down, etc. etc...

The judge was amazing. He wants to go over all the material again and read all the letters you wonderful people sent (oy, you should have seen his face when he saw the horror pictures of Blaze when she was first rescued – Terry had them blown up and they were very graphic).  He will pronounce the sentence on Friday. He has already found the people guilty and told them that they will do jail time and pay restitution. On Friday, we will hear the final details.

There’s a whole lot more of the story to tell, but let me beg off for tonight..  Tonight I will celebrate with a stiff drink, some Chinese food, and a bed full of fox terriers flopped all around me while I watch baseball. 

Thank you so much for your support and your love and your prayers. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Love and kisses from

Holly  & Blazie

Just Click the "Donate" button below to donate via Paypal.  Or click the link to find out where you can mail your donations "the old-fashioned way"!


UPDATE: The Latest News From Blaze

UPDATE APRIL 21, 2012 -  READY FOR OUR COURT DATE (as always, click on any image for a larger view):

Court_DateWell, we’re down to the wire now, folks.

Blaze’s hearing is on Monday, April 23rd. I’ve gotten many letters of support from people who have followed Blazie’s case, some from as far as Australia and England, and I thank all of you who have sent them from the bottom of my heart. They WILL make a difference.

Read more: UPDATE: The Latest News From Blaze


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