Tuesday, October 22, 2024


VinceVince was one hard-luck case, the product of a unscrupulous breeder and an early puppyhood of being tied outside and teased by kids. Vince was so afraid of strangers that he would grip on to people's clothing, pulling with all his might. His previous owners did their best to fix the damage, seeing behaviorists and trying different medicines, but the presence of their new baby and Vince's grabbing clothing gave them no choice but to re-home Vince.

Vince spent time in foster care with American Fox Terrier Rescue, getting the newly-prescribed Prozac into his system and becoming de-sensitized to people. After a month his progress was incredible, his demeanor more at ease and relaxed in the home and with people. Enter the Kelbach's. At first sight, the Kelbach's and Vince seemed to have fallen in love with each other, Vince hopping from lap to lap, soaking up the pets. The Kelbach's decided Vince was a match.

Vince is now inundated with love, pets, and fuzzy toys, as well as a family who will do anything to make sure Vince is happy. The Kelbach's have continued the work with the behaviorist and work on ways to make introductions to strangers a happier experience.

For a hard-luck case, Vince is one lucky dog.

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